An introduction to Castle Whiterook

On a seaside cliff, looking over a village of the same name stands a small, but grand castle that has seen better days. Castle WhiteRook. Once the seat of power for the Ancient Kingdom of Aldreth the castle fell to ruins along with the empire itself.

30 years ago(a mere 1000 years after the fall of Old Aldreth) a young Tribune(A minor provincial lord) to the great Karthan empire claimed the old ruined castle as his own and began its reconstruction. What could be salvaged was rebuilt, what could not was built over. All the while keeping the ancient name “Castle WhiteRook” in honor of the legendary order of Knights that once dwelled there in service to the King of Aldreth: The Order of the White Rook.

As this Minor lord rebuilt the castle, around it grew a bustling little seaside Town with a strong fishing trade, and proud craftsmen. Though no major power in the empire beyond Whiterook enjoys its own popularity as a small but convenient port for many ships to stop.

With all the growth and new life springing up around the beautiful castle it is forgotten at times that the castle was restored from ruins of an ancient place, with its own vast history that cares nothing for those who claim it as home now. Below the gleaming ramparts, below the rebuilt walls, at the lowest castle depths Tribune Hagreth dare claim as his own there is a door kept guarded at all times. Beyond that door crosses a line into history. Beyond that door lies the true Castle WhiteRook, and despite what Lord Hagreth might claim to those that ask: There ARE reasons the castle sat as a ruin for so long.

Perhaps there are brave adventurers willing to delve into the depths and drive back the darkness. Surely it must be worth their while. Surely there must be a great deal of wealth and wonder down bellow. Aldreth was known for its opulent greatness. Known for mastery of magics long forgotten. Though they are now long gone, and mostly forgotten…Surely not all was lost?






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